Amalgam By Aishwarya

Amalgam By Aishwarya

Let’s start with the term ‘amalgam’. In simpler terms, an amalgam is an even combination of two or more things. Subsequently, the idea is to ‘amalgamate’ in other words, “coming together and spreading oneness to safeguard the integrity ...Read More
Ever since childhood, I have been a passionate kid who loved to create “something poignant out of nothing” simply by blending and merging different things; the idea itself pleased me enough to love it. After quite a lot of thinking, I realized that this idea should not be subjected to my passion alone; rather, it should be recognized as “the need of the hour”. In addition to that, the harrowing updates of the climatic changes and the house arrest nature of the Covid-19 pandemic proved ...Read More
Corrugated boxes are used for packaging clothing, wooden boxes for packaging jewellery and paper boxes are used for packing bags.

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